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What do you desire? What is your highest vision of yourself?

Why isn't that desire your current experience now? 

What is blocking you?

These questions are at the root of creating a BREAKTHROUGH in your life! 

Understanding how you get in your own you block yourself is the key to creating momentum and a radical transformation.

BREAKTHROUGHS are available to us everyday!

Doesn't matter what stage you are at, how successful you have been in your life or what the desire is....this series will meet you right where you are in taking you to the next level in your life! 

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Your time to rise to your next level of personal and professional success is now!

Aaron Glassman

In 1996 Aaron experienced what he refers to as his “awakening” while inside the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

Aaron has been teaching, writing and speaking for over 20 years about the fusion of science and spirituality while creating spiritual technologies that assist you in awakening to your creative power.

He is the author of the upcoming book “Be The WAYVE” Spiritual Technologies to awaken You to Your Life’s Purpose.”

In addition to facilitating individuals and groups all over the world Aaron has been a serial entrepreneur, musician and food/ activist.

Recently, he has teamed up with his wife Anahita to lead groups of visionary women and men to support them in bringing their creative visions out into the world for maximum planetary impact.

Copyright 2021  I Breakthrough! Online Series

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